Monday, October 10, 2011

My Aim Essentially

The significance of a life resides in the fulfillment of its unique potential. A human being possesses the potential to develop consciousness. That is what distinguishes a human being from other animals, the potential to develop full consciousness. Consciousness consists of an organization of subtle energy in the body. Consciousness is in fact an energetic body of which the physical body serves as a kind of scaffold or foundation. Consciousness remains little more than a potential unless developed intentionally. Consciousness develops by paying attention. Attention is the intentional act of sustaining the sense of being present. Consciousness grows. By sustaining the intentional act of attention, consciousness evolves progressively, in stages that can be scientifically modeled. Attention redistributes, refines and reorganizes the energy of which we consist, culminating in the creation of a self-sustaining energetic body of full consciousness, the immortal soul. The soul is the fully mature conscious individual, the aim of our evolutionary potential. The soul is the energetic organ with which we are able to sense love and Beauty. And it is the source of right values, scientific and moral and aesthetic.

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