Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Problem of Sex

The problem of sex is artificial, of course, not natural. Within the artificial context of our culture, sex has become an enormous problem.

Our culture overemphasizes the sexual attractiveness of women. Women are under pressure to appear sexually attractive, more so than is natural or healthy. Men are thereby sexually hyper-stimulated as well as generally emasculated as a result of the cultural emphasis on female sexuality.

Through movies, music and commercials, sex is blown far out of proportion. Sex has been elevated to the status of "love," idolized as the most powerful force in life, while at the same time sex is trivialized as a kind of hobby or popular pastime. Sex has been removed from the natural context of reproduction and instead presented as a kind of performing art, like acting, not intimacy. Acting is the opposite of intimate relationship.

Vulnerable to the power of their awakening sexuality, teenagers become the likely prey of the commercial industry that literally uses sex as a weapon, a means of garnering profit and control.

Men and women have lost touch with what it means to be truly "masculine" and "feminine." Women have learned to mistakenly identify "the feminine" as a sex object, while the hyper-stimulation of men has reduced "the masculine" to the status of "dog."

I recommend people look into mythology for the archetypes of "the masculine" and "the feminine." Get back in touch with those archetypes. Learn to incorporate both masculine and feminine principles within you while being the man (or woman) that Nature intends you to be.

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